Apple Glass: Everything to Know

Apple has been the most innovative and influential company in technology for years. Apple Glasses are rumored to be one of their upcoming AR glasses and it is one of their most awaited products.

Jon Prosser, an avid Apple leaker said that Apple Glasses are to be called Apple Glass.

Apple Glass
Photo credit: Matt Talks Tech

Here is everything you need to know about this smart glass.

How does Apple Glass work?

Apple Glass

Apple Glass is very different from regular glasses because it uses augmented reality to provide an interactive experience between the user and their environment. It uses either screens or transparent lenses to generate AR content within the scene of the user’s viewpoint.

Many articles are released every year about Apple Glasses/Apple Glass making their own speculations and concepts. The majority of information either comes from well-known technology leakers or from analyzing Apple Patents.

It is found that Apple has filed patents for a lot of products including Apple Glasses.

Release Date

There are 3 well-known Apple leakers that gave their statement about the release of Apple Glass. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the earliest we can see the Apple Glass is 2023. This was contradicted by Ming-Chi Kuo and said glasses will launch no sooner than 2022. On the other hand, Jon Prosser said that it will launch this year, 2021. Nothing is for sure though but here’s the thing – Apple is working on it.

Features and Specs

Apple Glass is rumored to be processed on iPhone devices. This is similar to what we saw with the first-generation Apple Watch. This means that the Apple Glass will also be dependent on iPhone for processing. With that said, it is expected that the Apple Glass will be capable of displaying information on its lenses.

Jon Prosser said that the Apple Glass prototype is a set of plastic frames. This is just a prototype so it could change to metal or anything when it launch. Reports suggested that the design is made to look like Steve Jobs’s version of glasses.

It was also said that the Apple Glass will not have a conventional camera but instead, lidar sensors like the Ipad Pro and iPhone 12. This sensor is used to help with augmented reality. iOS 15 is also giving ar experience. Apple’s iOS 15 adds AR-enabled turn-by-turn walking directions.

According to one Apple Glass patent, the device might allow you to view areas of the world you choose to see, similar to how Google Street View works. This view would, however, be projected directly onto the Apple Glass lenses. You could also use digital teleportation to travel to distant regions.

Apple Patent
Photo credit: Apple Patent

Furthermore, Apple has ambitions for third-party apps and is planning a specialized app store, similar to how Apple TV and Apple Watch software are obtained.

How much is Apple Glass?

According to Prosser, Apple Glass is expected to sell at a price tag of $499, plus additional cost for prescription lenses. Other reports also claim that the lens themselves could adjust for the user so there is no need for a prescription. The price is quite low compared to its augmented reality competitor headsets like the Microsoft Hololens 2. The AR headset Hololens 2 has a price tag of $3,500.

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Headset

It is rumored that Apple will also be releasing a mixed reality headset. The headset will have some AR capabilities but will mostly focus on virtual reality. So, this product is more like an Apple VR headset.

Reports claim Apple’s headset could be between $1,000 and $3,000 when it launches.

Looking forward

Apple technology is going to change how we live our lives and do things. Apple has smart glasses in the works but there is no way of knowing when it will be launch until something more official leaks out.

Whether you like it or not, Augmented reality is our future. A lot of devices are already available in the market that uses augmented reality such as Google Glass. Google Glass was released years ago but has lacked augmented reality features and ar capabilities. Hopefully, these Apple AR Glasses will somehow meet the consumer’s expectations of what ar experiences should be like.

Apple Glasses can be the next Apple revolutionary product we will see soon.

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