There is an old saying that when people connect to each other, like in marriage, they tend to start looking the same. Surprisingly it is not only happening between people, but also between pet owners and their furry best friends. We got a few pictures of owners and their pets with the same eyes color, hairstyle, or even the same clothes. Without any feather discussion, let starts with some collection we think you might like
1. Gray Eyes
When you look at this picture, I am sure you will notice the eye color of this woman and her cat. To me, it is a little hypnotizing. Those breathtaking gray eyes stare at us as they stare right into our souls.
Did you know? Gray eyes are one of the rarest eye colors in the world. The majority of people usually have brown, blue, hazel, or green eyes.
2. White As Snow
For people who familiar with the comic series “The Adventures of Tintin”, this little dog should bring up some good old memories. This dog to me and many others resemble Snowy. The little white dog was owned by the main character. But compare Tintin and Snowy to the man and the dog in the picture, there is something special, they look alike.
They both have white hair/fur and matching facial hair. To be more precise, the dog has an excellent and specific shaving job, to match up with his proud owner.
3. Flaxen-Haired Friends
Another hair and fur matching between the owner and their fluffy friend. It is amazing to see this woman’s hair match her beloved dog’s fur. There is no weird matching, like funky hair and fur style or cloths.
But what this pairing has in spades is an organic connection, from their good-natured nature smile to their photogenic relationship with the camera.
4. Fedora Hat Pals
Well, ain’t this just the most precious thing! Clearly, it seems like these two are about to embark on a night of adventures and dancing. These two have a bright smiles and they both have a stylish hats. Just look at them, aren’t they adorable together?
The level of pure, uninhibited excitement on both of their faces is heartwarming to see; and obviously, the fedoras are just the cherry on top.
5. Fluffy And Gray
Isn’t it a breathtaking view? These two seems like they have been together for many years, through ups and downs in their life, and even aged together.
While their obvious resemblance of white hair and gruff visage, their hair also seems to be intentionally styled in the same manner, and to their credit, it looks so organic.
6. Let’s Go Camping
Camping was one of my favorite childhood to do, go to nature and camp around a bonfire, listen to the night creatures, and smell nature. But what’s better than go camping with your favorite buddies? Those 2 seem unbreakable.
Within the forest and the wild, it is an opportunity for profound levels of bonding — and these two pals appear to have got that covered. But let’s not forget and admit that their hairstyles look exactly the same.
7. Bonding On All Fours
There are no boundaries to how human masters will do to be more like their pets. They might dye their hair or style their hair in a specific way. The possibilities are endless, and many owners around the world just want to try to pay tribute to their beloved furry friend.
With that being said, this lady right here had one of the more unique approaches of actually getting down on her hands and knees. And not just that, she even put on herself and on her dog the same clothes to look identical. Of course, we can avoid the fact that their hair’s color and style look the same as well.
8. Color-Coded Company
Let’s agree to this point, many humans love so deeply their fluffy friends to the level they are matching color coding of their outfits. Determined to bring the similarities between her and her pet to the forefront, this young lady seems to have taken that theme to the next level.
From this picture, we can all agree she loves the brown color because of her dog, clothes, and even the couch. Also, she dressed him up in this brownish-themed outfit to match with her shirt.
9. Wild And Free
In addition to the same black and gray mixture in their hair, these two seem like they are on the same spiritual path. I Can agree and I am sure many like me as well, that we need those spaces where they can be in peace and free the inner negative energy.
With their playful energy, they can remind us to slow down and detach from our constraining grind.
10. Camouflage Coat
This girl in the picture proves to us once again that people put in extra work to look like their beloved pets. She is the perfect example because of her noticeable brown coat.
The overall effect is so perfect that makes the dog nearly vanishes into his owner’s fashion coat. We can see how much she loves the dog by the look on her face.