For the 10th straight year, thousands of developers all over the world took part in one of the biggest surveys about development which revealed trends and updated data.
StackOverFlow is one of the best ways to educate yourself online about programming. In this website you will find unlimited amount of data and answers to most of your questions. Each year, StackOverFlow asks developers about trends and new technologies in the market in order to collect the data and publish the results.
JavaScript Rules
For the 8th straight year, JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the market with 67.7%. In the second place you can find HTML\CSS with 63.1% and for the third most used language you will find SQL with 54.7%.
Among the popular frameworks you will find jQuery at first place and React.js as the second place and for the third place – Angular.
In the developing platforms survey you can find some surprising names –
As you can see, MacOS is located in the 6th spot.
Windows on top!
Almost half or the developers who filled the survey (45.8%) said they prefer running code on windows, 27% said they would do it on MacOS and Linux is slightly behind with 26.6%.
When asked about tools and services they are using 83% use GitHub (only 37% use GitLab), the second most popular tool is Slack with 53% (Microsoft’s Teams got only 25.6%) and in the third place you can find Jira – Atlassian’s project management tool.
Money Talks
World wide, Scala, Perl and Go developers enjoy the best salaries with an average salary of $75,000 a year.
In the US the results are a bit different, Scala, Go and Objective C developers earn the most money with $135,000-$150,000 a year.
And if you check the salary based on a position (world wide), you will find that Engineering Managers earn $92,000 a year, Site Reliability Engineer earns $80,000 a year and DevOps Specialist earns $68,000 a year.
The salaries in the U.S are better and a bit different –
Now you have enough data to decide in what direction you would like to go if you feel like learning something new online.