Sony Revealed New Details About The Playstation 5

Besides revealing that the official name of the new console is going to be Playstation 5 as expected, Sony says the controllers will have modern Haptic systems inside the controllers in order to improve the game play experience. The controllers will vibrate according to the game. According to Sony, you will be able to feel the difference between a crash of a car and being tackled in the football field or even feel the difference if your character is running in the field or in the mud.

The buttons on the controllers will be sensitive to pressure so game developers will be able to create some sense of resistance while pushing the buttons. For example, if you shoot an arrow, you will be able to feel the resistance before releasing the arrow, in racing games you will be able to feel the resistance of the gas pedal. Sony claims that developers already got a prototype of these controllers so they will be able to develop games that supports it right away.

Jim Ryan, CEO and president of Sony said – the Playstation 5 will have SSD hard drive which allows developers to make lighter games. The new console will arrive with a Blu-ray and 4k disk compartment. The processor will be AMD model Ryzen with 8 cores.

The new console is expected to be released in the holiday time next year, 2020, about a year from now.

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