Qualcomm, a company known by their high-quality mobile processors, announced on their new flag ship mobile platform – the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G. The Snapdragon 888 5G equipped with a new core Kyro 680 which based on the new ARM’s generation cores the Cortex-X1 and can be clocked up to 2.84GHz.
The Snapdragon 888 5G comes with production of 5nm. The new platform as mentioned before comes with processor that equipped with 8 Kryo 680 cores from Qualcomm.
According to the company the new cores will bring improvement performances up to 25% to the new generation, compared to the old generation (Snapdragon 865).
Along with the processor, the Adreno 660 is the new Gpu that Snapdragon 888 comes with. The Qualcomm Adreno 660 will improve the graphic performance up to 35% compared to the old generation. More than that, Qualcomm Has new features for gaming – the Snapdragon Elite Gaming technology for 30% VRS improvements and Qualcomm Game Quick Touch for 20% faster touch screen response time.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon x60 5G will be the modem that comes in the Snapdragon 888 5G platform. The X60 5G comes with 5G support and mmWave which will improve the cellular internet download speed up to 7.5Gb/s and the upload speed up to 3GB/s include support for dual sim cards.
The platform also includes the Wi-Fi 6 chip with download speed of up to 3.6 GB/s and support 6GHZ capacity by Wi-Fi 6E and the AptX Bluetooth 5.
On the AI section, Qualcomm uses Hexagon 780 engine which improve the AI in the platform up to 3 times in the performances compare to old generation. The new AI engine offers improvements with Deep learning on apps such as Camera, games and the voice assist.
On the camera section Snapdragon 888 5G equipped with Spectra 580 ISP processor. Spectra 580 ISP allows to:
- Capture and combine 3 pictures for 3 different cameras (for example, triple rear camera system on every modern phone) to single high detailed picture.
- Capture 120 pictures in a second with 12 megapixel quality.
- Record 3 4k HDR videos at same time and slow motion videos of 906 frames per second with resolution of 720p.
More over, the new platform support USB 3.1 type C connector, NFC, 4k displays with refresh rate of 60hz and QHD+ displays with refresh rate of 144hz. The Snapdragon 888 5G also support protocols such as HLG, HDR10, HDR10 Plus and Dolby Vison.
The first devices that will use the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G will be available at the first quarter of 2021.