‘John Wick’s TV Show Is In Works

‘The Continental’ will be a prequel to the EPIC movie series “John Wick”.

The TV series will show us John’s life as a hitman prior to the tragic death of his wife and dog.

In an interview with Deadline, Jeffrey Hirsch said that the TV show won’t release in the near future. He said: “My sense is that where we are today, the movie date has been set but we’re still in early development on the series so [it will air] most likely after.”

It’s still unclear if John Wick himself, Keanu Reeves will be a part of the new movie. Jeffrey continued – “That’s a really good question that I’m not going to answer. ‘No answer’ is as good a tease you’re going to get. It’s a great franchise, we’re excited about bringing that show to the network.”

Chad Stahelski, the director of ‘The Matrix’ and ‘John Wick’ will be one of the executive producers of the TV show and will direct the 1st episode of it.

Chad also shared some secret info with Reddit when he was asked about the difficulty of making the ‘John Wick’ movie series. He said “[The first one] was difficult because we didn’t understand what we wanted to do. Number 2, we had to map up a whole world we didn’t think of before. [Chapter 3], how do we expand and get the audience something creative, not just bigger and cooler? Number 4, I’m certain, will be more difficult.”

So it appears like the 4th movie is on its way!

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