How To Spend Time At Home While You Hide From The CoronaVirus

The Coronavirus is spreading all over the world and endanger many people who suffers from it.

In some countries, people aren’t allowed to leave home and need to spend few days and even weeks in the same place.

In order to remain sane in those times we made a list of things you should do while at home –

Netflix and Chill –

Of course, the most common thing you can do is sit and watch your favorite show all over again or start a new show. It can be a good time to watch things you would never watch (again – you basically all the time in the world.

Educate Yourself –

You can spend time learning new skills, and expand your knowledge.
It can be coding, history, math, statistics, picture editing or even painting.
Yo can look for courses in Udemy, Khan Academy or Coursera.

Sport and Exercise –

A good way to make the most out of the situation is to burn some calories and get active. There are dozens of Youtube videos of exercises you can do at home without any equipment.

But the most important thing is to have time for yourself. In our day to day life we forget to do things for ourselves. Make a nice breakfast, relax, take a nap, read a good book and enjoy this time, because once it’s over, we will probably will be back at full speed to our day to day life.

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