Are You a Netflix Cheater?

Netflix cheating is real, and it is probably here to stay. Watching an entire series with a partner can make your day better, but it’s not for everyone. Some are too keen about the show and want to carry on without the other.

This could have long-lasting effects on relationships and trust. In fact, forty percent of Netflix viewers in Hong Kong believe that Netflix cheating is worse than an affair.

A new Netflix survey shows that 46 percent of streaming couples watch ahead of their partners. So is this something you do? If yes, which of the five categories of Netflix cheaters do you fall under?

Long Distance Cheater

While one part of the couple looks forward to watching their favorite series with their partner after they come back, the partner has already succumbed to wandering eyes and binged the next episode, or worse, then next season.

19% of streaming couples binge their sacred shows when one partner is out of town. While 29% will confess, it can cause strong friction within the relationship. In fact, 40% of couples have gotten into verbal arguments about “long-distance cheating”.

This puts a dent in the “couples that stream together, stay together” mantra. How do you know your partner hasn’t been streaming when you go visit someone out of town?

The Serial Cheater

Couples don’t start a series with the intention of cheating. And maybe once is an understandable offense. But many partners admit to cheating more than once.

They find it difficult to resist the seductive storylines and dramatic suspense, leading to cheating more than once. 30% of streaming couples have cheated more than four times. 11% cheat when their partners are in the same house as them by hiding in another room. The truth is only 3 out of 10 apologize for Netflix cheating.

The “Sorry Not Sorry” Cheater

Maybe couples could tolerate Netflix cheating if the guilt party feels sorry and promises never to do it again. The “Sorry Not Sorry” cheater feels no remorse. 32% of streaming couples feel no guilt about cheating. 6 out of 10 would cheat more if they knew for sure that they would get away with it. 45% of the cheaters never confess. It is definitely a breach of trust, made even worse by the lack of guilt.

The Sleepless Cheater

Could you Netflix cheat while your partner is in bed with you and fast asleep? 25% of streaming couples cheat right after their partner goes to sleep. 14% of American couples believe that Netflix cheating is an absolute dealbreaker. Watching your favorite show together might be a pleasant experience, but is your partner going behind your sleeping back and binging entire seasons? You’ll never know.

The Loyal Streamer

54% of streaming couples stay loyal to each other and watch their favorite shows together. They believe that this helps them relax together. In addition, it gives them more time to spend together. They can also engage in great conversation. In fact, 36% say that not Netflix cheating is much better than any gift.

While Netflix cheating might not be a complete deal-breaker for everyone, it could definitely hinder the quality time you spend together with your partner. It’s something that couples believe helps them relax at the end of the day. Also, it often helps bring you together in this otherwise hectic life of meetings and schedules.

There is something soothing and fun about watching your favorite series together with a partner. So are you a Netflix cheater?

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