Samsung Reportedly Got Orders For Fold-able Screens From Apple

You may have seen foldable devices in the news recently. Many foldable phones released recently such as the Royole Flexpai, Huawei foldable phone, and Samsung galaxy fold. But what about a foldable iPhone?

A fold-able device is one that can fold out to make a larger screen. The fold-able screens are currently available in smartphones that fold into a smaller size than today’s standards of smartphones.

Foldable screen technology is relatively new and you can fold able phones in half or fold to a smaller size.

The foldable screen includes glass, batteries, and processors that are integrated into the foldable display.

Samsung has been reportedly getting orders for fold-able smartphone screens from Apple before they have released their fold-able smartphones on the market which means Apple is likely to release a foldable iPhone in the near future.

How do foldable screens work?

Foldable screens work by using foldable panels with fold lines that fold together into a smaller size. The foldable panels are created from foldable displays, batteries, and processors that are integrated into the foldable display panel. The fold-able display is foldable by bending on either one side or both sides that are perpendicular to each other such as in Royole’s foldable smartphone where there is no top and bottom at the same plane while Huawei’s fold-able phone’s folds are similar to a Zugababe notebook which makes the fold-able experience more natural. Samsung fold-able phones that can fold in half are still being tested and haven’t been released yet.

Huawei’s fold-able phones can fold out to an 8-inch display screen with two 4.5 inch displays on the front of the foldable device which allows users to view videos at a larger size and better viewing experience and it’s called a Z fold concept.

Samsung is testing its fold-able smartphones inside the Samsung Vietnam factory in Bac Ninh province. Samsung’s engineer that is working on the foldable smartphone prototype said it will be ready for mass production next year.

The fold-able phone prototype was seen sporting a 7-inch display but still, images showed how small it can fold into when fully folded up, almost as if it is nonexistent like Royole’s fold-able smartphone that folds out into an 8-inch tablet where you can write or draw onto the fold-able screen. The foldable smartphone prototype will fold out into a tablet and fold back in to make a phone.

Is Apple making a foldable iPhone?

Apple foldable iPhone rumors have been around for a while now and it’s safe to say that foldable smartphones are the next big thing in the industry. A few years back when Samsung first introduced foldable smartphones to the market, They fold out to make a larger touchscreen surface. Apple has been reportedly getting orders for fold-able screens from Samsung and this is all speculation but it looks like fold-able phones will become a future trend by 2023 with the help of Apple.

What will be the first Apple’s foldable iPhone?

Apple’s foldable phone coming out in the near future is foldable as an 8-inch tablet and fold back into a phone. This foldable phone will fold out to make a larger touchscreen surface.

We are likely to see a foldable iPhone by 2023.

First foldable iPhone?

iPhone flip or iPhone fold? Apple has been reportedly getting orders for iPhone flip screens from Samsung and the foldable iPhone is about to launch soon. This foldable iPhone will fold out to make a larger touchscreen surface and fold back into a phone.

Samsung will release a new patent video in January where it shows how flexible screens work on a smartphone with an S logo. This could mean that they are releasing a foldable smartphone prototype that can bend or bend back into its screen size as seen above from Royole’s fold-able smartphone that folds out to make an 8-inch tablet.

Future foldable devices

Oppo foldable phone, Oppo’s foldable phone will be released in 2022 and it folds to make a larger touchscreen surface. This future foldable device will come out soon and it’s being tested in the Samsung factory in Bac Ninh province.

Samsung Galaxy Fold Tab is a future foldable device that will come out in 2022 and it’s being tested in the Samsung Vietnam factory in Vietnam.

Final thoughts about the foldable iPhone

The new foldable device trend is likely to be prominent with foldable iPhones from Apple by 2023. Apple is reportedly trying to develop a new iPhone that can be folded in half. Samsung has been reported as one of their top choices, being both experienced and capable of manufacturing on demand. It’s likely we’ll hear about this partnership soon if there have indeed been any talks between them!

I don’t know about you, but if this is true, it sounds like a pretty big deal. This new development could mean Samsung may have the upper hand again and Apple’s design might be outdated. Are you going to buy a foldable iPhone or Galaxy fold or the iPhone 13

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