10 Things You Can Do On Telegram And Not On Whatsapp

We assume that Whatsapp will continue to be the biggest player in the field of messaging apps but it doesn’t mean it has the most features.

Telegram is one of Whatsapp’s biggest competitors, and we wanted to share few features that might get you interested enough to download it –

  • Deleting messages – Whatsapp always notify the other member of the chat that you deleted a message and let you delete it for a short period of time. With Telegram you can delete the message at any time with no notification sent to the other members.
  • Editing messages that already been sent – Most of the time, when we have small typing mistakes, we sent a new message with the corrections. Not anymore! Just press the message, click edit and it fixed!
  • Opening multiple accounts – You will be able to open different accounts on the app. It can become useful to have to accounts – one for business and one for private life.
  • Online without your phone – Whatsapp web works only if your phone has internet connection, but on Telegram its another story. You can log to your account from any device, even if your phone is dead.
  • Don’t wake them up – If you send a message to a friend in the middle of the night, you can send the message without sound.
  • Last Seen – On Whatsapp you have only 3 options to share your Last Seen status – everyone, contacts only, nobody. On Telegram you have a list of people you can add to in order hide your status.
  • Using Hashtags – Great way to let people search for specific messages.
  • Schedule messages – You can schedule a message to anyone, that way you never miss another birthday message again. You also can set the message to be sent only when the contact is logged in.
  • Gifs – You will have your private Gif library which will be filled with all the Gifs you used.
  • Secret Chat – If you have a super-secret message to send, you can open a secret chat with a contact and all the messages in this chat will go under encryption, message forwarding is not allowed and even screen shots.

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